Catalog Item Search API provides the capability to search "advertiser" items that are part of retail catalogs published on ''.
To search an item by providing search String text or item id
To create a new campaign in a draft state for a specific advertiser
To update an existing campaign using the PUT operation
Item search operation will yield a maximum of 200 primary variant items for an advertiser
There is no limit on the number of variant items that are returned for a primary variant item
Note: The suggested bid parameter is an automated bid-price recommendation based on winning bids for recent similar ads within the category. The suggested bid values are refreshed daily.
To understand details about ‘Request Header' or 'Authorization’,
please refer to the Authorization Guide
Search an item
Description: You can search for an item which is published on '' by providing the search string text or item id. The list of items is pulled only from the seller's or supplier's catalog.
End Point: /api/v1/itemSearch
Body Parameters
Possible Values
The ID of the advertiser whose catalog item is to be retrieved
Unique numeric identifier
Text for item search. This is used to search the item against both the item name and the entire item description.
Terms to search an item in catalog
ID linked to the item that the advertiser is selling on the Walmart portal. You can give both the primary variant and variant item id in this field, depending on the requirement
String identifier
If searching for a primary variant item, the details will be returned in response. All the variants associated with this primary variant item will be returned to the variantItems array.
If searching for a variant item, the corresponding primary variant item details will be returned in response. All the variants associated with the primary variant item will be returned to the variantItems array.
You can use either searchText or searchItemIds along with advertiserId to search an item. At least one of these is required. You must not include both.
An array element to store info of variants associated to the specific primary variant item (whose id is returned in itemId).It stores variant info through following parameters: variantItemIdvariantItemNamevariantImageUrl
Sample Response - by searchText
"itemId": "44346411",
"suggestedBid": 0.4,
"itemName": "TV stand- our TVs are good",
"variantItems": [
"variantItemId": "44346411",
"variantItemName": " TV stand- our TVs are good",
"variantImageUrl": "$DT_PDP_BB$"
"variantItemId": "678903451",
"variantItemName": " TV stand- our TVs are good ",
"variantImageUrl": "$DT_PDP_BB$"
"itemImageUrl": "$DT_PDP_BB$",
"itemPageUrl": ""
Note: You will receive information about the primary variant and its variants in the search results. In the event that a primary variant doesn’t have any variant items associated with it, only information belonging to the primary variant is returned.
HTTP Status Code
Status Code
Possible Error Messages
Bad Request
Advertiser Id validation failed
At least one of the searchText or searchItemIds is required
Both searchText or searchItemIds cannot be present in request
Maximum 200 items/keywords can be searched in one api call